jeudi, 15 mai 2008
Delbar Shahbaz, my world
"My painting is a kind of interpretation of my imaginative world, the unity that is filled with narratives, poems and tales. Visual elements in my works are instead of some symbolic representations .I try to represent the world that an spectator can reach the implicit peace by looking at them. The elements are submerged in the space because they are all belongs to a super mundane world. I have two different collections of my paintings: one is called “an imaginary voyage” and the other is called”the feast of angles”. As you see, both of them are nearly belonged to the eastern belief .I attend to reach kind of nature which is forgotten, the nature interpreted by eastern concepts, which is neither completely abstract nor totally earth line! The light has special divinity in eastern culture, and I do pay attention to it and Its’ effects on colors, therefore I use mostly gold color or gold leaf in my paintings .Persian miniature and Islamic painting are some subjects that I am interested in .I appreciate their courage ness in using this amount of different glittering colors beside each other, also their deep concept are admirable.
I hope my paintings can lead the spectator in this special world at least for a moment, so they will perceive the perfection of enjoyment in that instant." You can see some of my works in this site
tel:00989123402280 Delbar Shahbaz
09:09 Publié dans Peinture | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : delbar shahbaz, iran, peinture
vendredi, 11 avril 2008
La création du monde
Delbar Shalbaz, peintre iranienne, née en 1978 à Téhéran, a exposé de nombreuses fois dans son pays, et gagné de nombreux prix, notamment en 2007 celui des peintres contemporains influencés par la culture perse et celui des femmes peintres de son pays. Contact :
Delbar Shalbaz
les deux oeuvres : size 90-90 mixmedia title: the creation of the world
00:15 Publié dans Peinture | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : delbar shalbaz, peinture, art, iran
lundi, 17 mars 2008
Delbar Shahbaz, peintre iranienne, suite
00:17 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (1) | Tags : delbar shahbaz, peinture, iran
dimanche, 16 mars 2008
Delbar Shahbaz, peintre iranienne
00:43 Publié dans Peinture | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : peinture, iran, delbar shahbaz